Friday, October 28, 2011

Subject - Verb Agreement

What does it mean to have subject-verb agreement?

Simply put, it means that singular subjects take singular verbs and plural subjects take plural verbs.  In English, we have to remember that singular verbs have -s or -es.  This can be confusing because we usually think of plurals having -s.  While it is usually true of nouns, it is not the case with verbs.

Now let's look at the 1st clip on subject-verb agreement.

Now let's look at the 2nd clip.

Questions? Post a comment to ask a question.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Would you like a few extra points for writing?

Today, October 20, 2011 is the National Day on Writing. Although it's not being celebrated here in the kingdom, it doesn't mean we can't celebrate.  Many of you mentioned that you like writing.  So, let's "hear" why you like writing.  You can post a comment here or you can join the conversation on twitter using the hashtag #whyiwrite.  I'll be monitoring twitter throughout the day and hope to read your tweets or comments here.

Can't wait to see why it is you write.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How to Get Started Writing

Is this how you feel when your teacher asks you to write something?  What would it take for you to be more relaxed when writing?

Many students get anxious when asked to write. And while it can be frustrating, there are several ways to help you get started and improve your writing.  Let's get started.

First, you have to remember that writing is a process.  It's  something that improves with practice and with a little time.  If you worry about making making mistakes, you will quickly grow bored with writing.

To begin you must first find something to write about.  This is often the most difficult part, so it's a good idea to start with a familiar subject or topic.  People you know, places you've been and the things you like are a few examples.  The most familiar subject, of course, is yourself.  

So, just for fun, try to make a list of subjects or topics that are familiar to you.  Then, number them in order of importance.  For example:

  1. Shopping
  2. Friends
  3. Hobbies
If you have a topic like #3 above, try to narrow it by choosing a specific hobby.  

After you have chosen a topic which you feel is most important or interesting, freewrite for 5 minutes.  Remember that when we freewrite, it's a way to get our ideas down.  At this point in your writing, it's not necessary to worry about spelling and grammar.  You will revisit your writing to make changes and improvements.

If you tried this task, post a comment about your experience.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Advertising @ YUC

Our first unit this semester was on advertising.  We looked at how firms market their products when dealing with different cultures.  We also learned about problems advertisers face due to translation.  

To extend our study of the topic, the first assignment included a group task to create an advertisement for a product or service.

Have a look at a few below..........


Apple by Najla H

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!

More to come, be sure to come back soon!